Interactive apps

These are a list of some of the interactive web apps I’ve made. This is mainly for my own reference (e.g. I want to pull up the web app but can’t recall the URL), but I’ve provided a short explanation for each project next to each link (in case you’re stumbling across this)

Table of Contents

Some (non-interactive) reports can be found here

Bayes theorem & predictive values

Link to web app

I’m a big nerd when it comes to pretest probability and clinical reasoning. But despite my love of statistics I still find Bayesian thinking to be unintuitive at times.

I made this Shiny app to demonstrate the counterintuitive nature of Bayes theorem, particularly when it comes to how prevalence affects positive predictive value.

Todo: Explain clinical scenerios more using numbers from JCE article. Could make it’s own project page

Healthy Relationships Text Campaign

Link to web app

I made this app when I was working on the Healthy Relationship Text Campaign (HRTC) to reduce teen dating violence. This is a pretty detailed app showing the results of the campaign (and allowing users to filter results)

Texas Health Professionals Map

Link to web app

This was the first Shiny app that I made. I can’t remember why I did it, but it’s a cool example of using interactive maps

PSPS Medicare Data

Link to web app

I made this app when I was exploring CMS data (Physician/Supplier Procedure Summary). It allows you to explore HCPCS codes, provider specialties, etc. Unfortunately the project didn’t come to fruition…

Hunter Ratliff, MD, MPH
Hunter Ratliff, MD, MPH
Internal medicine resident

My research interests include epidemiology, social determinants of health, and reproducible research.
